Elopement weddings

LGBT Supporters

Worldwide destination

Craziest hell

What can we expect from you on our wedding day? How do you work?We can start in your preparation or at the ceremony, it’s up to you. Don’t expect to have us all over you during the day. The major part of our work is to shoot naturally what’s happening, except for one single moment that we take you – usually during the evening – to shoot the couple session. Our services include coverage for up to 13 hours. Extra hours may be charged. Please understand that to make a good work we also need: Time: your preparation and session schedules have to allow us to shoot , with no rush, so we can look for the right angle. Light: Good light is essencial. Altough we also like rainny and foggy days, you must understand that the mood of a video shooted in these days is completely diferent than other shooted in a sunshine day. Location: Nice places are a “highway” for great shots. The combination of these factors is what it takes to make a great shot. So, the expectations that you have, must suit the reality of your day.
How are we involved in the editing creation process?We are 100% responsible for the creative path of shooting and editing. However, your inputs on this matter will be duly considered. We compromise to use our skills and expertise to make a video that you’ll love. However, there’s no guarantee that the final results will be 100% according to your expectations as our videos are our self interpretation of your wedding/elopement.
Are there travel costs?Travel costs up to 100 km are included (Porto). For longer distances or in the case that we need to start shooting very early in the morning, we may need to add the cost of a night stay for 2 people. If you live outside Portugal, travel and accommodation costs will be added to the budget.
How can I book your services?A booking fee will be charged to reserve the date which will be deducted from the final balance due. This fee will not be refunded in the case of the annulment or postponing of the wedding, except in extraordinary cases.
When can we expect to get our videos?Wedding Video delivery is up to 9 months after the Wedding.
Do we get the raw?Raw images can be delivered in an external hard drive, upon previous request, by an additional fee.
I want to get a quote for my wedding. What should I do?Please fill in the form in contact us or send us an email with information regarding date and location. You can also share information about yourselves and about your plans for the big day, and we will get back to you. If your location allows, we would love to meet you in person, otherwise, we can skype as well.

Sara Gonçalves
Sabem como quebrar o gelo e colocar todos muito mais à vontade em frente às câmaras. Equipa discreta e sempre atenta, sabem captar o melhor ângulo no momento certo. Sem dúvida muito profissionais e prestáveis. Parabéns a toda a equipa SLcasamentos, recomendamos vivamente!

Sílvia Santos
Uma equipa jovem , profissional e super competente. Adoramos a forma como nos fez sentir á vontade desde o primeiro dia. Atentos a todos os detalhes, surpreenderam com o resultado final, e as expectativas já eram altas!

Bruno Valentim
Não podíamos estar mais felizes e satisfeitos pelo resultado final!
De facto, a equipa conseguiu superar todas a expectativas. Foram sempre muito prestáveis e profissionais. O resultado final foi excelente,

Tiago Coelho
O resultado está à vista de todos os meus convidados, todas as pessoas estão fascinadas com o vosso trabalho! Um obrigado ao Silvano e a toda a equipa! Destacamos a entrega rápida, excelente trabalho de imagem e vídeo e, acima de tudo, a tranquilidade transmitida num dia por si só stressante!